Quality, Environment and OHS Policy

SEGATECH management and employees have undertaken to ensure following conditions on the issue of "Quality, Environment, and Occupational Health and Safety".

  • Aiming at excellence in all conditions in the light of experience and technology.
  • Working efficiently and creating added value.
  • Supporting the development of our employees and providing them with motivation and job satisfaction.
  • Always acting in accordance with the principle of constant improvement and amelioration.
  • Using modern and valid methods, engineering, technology, information and management systems required by the epoch, to such end avoiding to abstain from required research and investment.
  • Timely completing and delivering projects in accordance with work schedules and technical specifications.
  • Complying with the legal regulations and mandatory standards of the countries where the works are fulfilled.
  • Ensuring our employees feel happy and proud to be a SEGATECH employee.
  • In every step taken and in every decision reached, maintaining the sustainability of the reputation acquired, by acting in accordance with the feeling of responsibility vested by being a SEGATECH employee.
  • Complying with the applicable occupational health, safety and environmental laws and regulations of the country where the work is performed.
  • Raising awareness of our employees, subcontractors and suppliers regarding the impacts they could generate on quality, environment, and occupational health and safety in the course of their activities pertaining to our processes and services and ensuring their active participation and communication on the issues with regards to quality, environment, and occupational health and safety.
  • Identifying hazards that could take place associated with occupational health and safety and making relevant risk assessments.
  • While Occupational Health and Security and Environment Management Systems are implemented, taking into account the expectations of all parties, including employers as well.
  • Minimizing occupational accidents and occupational diseases in both our offices and worksites by creating safe working areas.
  • Ensuring that waste products are sorted and evaluated at the source by placing emphasis on the recycling of wastes.
  • Preventing wastefulness in the consumption of energy and natural resources.
  • Rendering compulsory the application of necessary corrective and preventive actions pertaining to inconveniencies of environment, occupational health and safety, work accidents and occupational illnesses and environmental events.
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Duis aliquet egestas purus in blandit. Curabitur vulputate, ligula lacinia scelerisque tempor, lacus lacus ornare ante, ac egestas est urna sit amet arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora ade torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Sed molestie augue sit amet leo consequat posuere. Vestibul ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere ile cubilia Curae; Proin vel ante a orci tempus eleifend ut.