Our Profile

SEGATECH operating in the fields of electromechanical engineering and contracting, has become among the favorite companies of the sector within a short period since its establishment in 2002 until our day with its projects making no concessions in quality, its experienced and dynamic staff and its understanding keeping customer satisfaction beyond anything.

SEGATECH with its national and international business experience and its successful engineering solutions, successfully accomplished electromechanical engineering and contracting services of many qualified structures such as shopping centers, hotels, hospitals, business centers, housing projects, industrial facilities and telecommunication projects and proved that it is a reliable business partner with its modern management approach and vision.

Registered company name: Segatech Mühendislik Elektrik İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi

Year of establishment: 18.12.2002

City / country of registration: İstanbul / Türkiye

Chamber of Commerce registration no: 487904

Tax office: Anadolu Kurumlar

Tax number: 7580280756

Head office address: Küçük Çamlıca Üçpınarlar Cad. No : 20 34696 Üsküdar / İstanbul

Phone: 0(216) 428 00 41

Fax: 0(216) 428 00 44

Official Web Site: www.segatech.com.tr

E-Mail: info@segatech.com.tr

Registered Electronic Mail (KEP) address: segatechmuhendislik@hs01.kep.tr

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Sed molestie augue sit amet leo consequat posuere. Vestibul ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere ile cubilia Curae; Proin vel ante a orci tempus eleifend ut.