Message From The Chairman

Since we launched up in 2002, our structure aimed at offering innovative, perfectionist and customer-oriented solutions, and our quality and ethical engineering approach made us a reliable business partner wherewith our customers wish to cooperate for many years.

SEGATECH completing many projects both in Turkey and in the world has rapidly become among the leading companies in the sector in electromechanical contracting sector.

In order to maintain our reputation and success which we achieved through our performance, modern management approach and vision and with our engineering and technological infrastructure developing projects on the basis of respect for the nature and human, we are working with our teammates without losing our first day's excitement and walking towards future.

I am expressing my thanks to our customers and employees always carrying us towards better and further and to our suppliers and subcontractors wherewith we developed cooperation with mutual feeling of trust and  I wholeheartedly believe that we are altogether going to make SEGATECH a world brand.

Best regards,

İsmail Şendil

Electrical Engineer

Segatech's Chairman of the Board

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