Ethical Principles

Our company is a respected organization that prioritizes adherence to ethical values in its entire activities and regards ethics as one of the building blocks of its corporate culture.

In this context, ethical rules of our company are as follows:


In entire relationships and processes whether out of or within the company, no concession is granted pertaining to virtues of faithfulness, honesty, transparency and equality under any circumstances.

The principles of respect for the people, respect for the environment and respect for the work done are indispensable for the employees at all levels.

All activities are predicated on legal legislations, articles of association, and adopted regulations and policies.


All employees aim at the highest quality in the work they perform and act in accordance with the company interests. They do not forget that each step they take in their professional lives represent the company and they abstain from actions and statements which could harm the company's standing.


Every employee is aware of the confidentiality of private information pertaining to the company affiliated, relevant persons, institutions and other employees and is obliged to keep them. Such kind of information is used only for professional purposes required by the work and assignment in accordance with the law and legislations and is shared exclusively with the officials concerned with the issue. Such obligation as well continues in the event of termination of the employees' relationship with the company.


Internet access and e-mail addresses allocated for the use of employees are utilized for professional purposes within the framework of information security policy. Internet access may be limited by company resolution. Websites that are contrary to the law, involved in political propaganda, incompatible with moral values, and having play and entertainment content must not be visited.


Misconduct in office is the person's giving harm to the company as a result of using his authority and responsibility for his own interest or other than due diligence expected from him. An employee is prohibited from obtaining direct or indirect personal gains arising from entire transactions and contracts whereto the company comprise a party through activities such purchasing and the like.


Circumstances wherein the individual interests may conflict with the company interests and with the interests of the concerned persons and institutions are observed and avoided. Company employees while performing their assignments hold the interests of the corporation beyond anything and abstain from any kinds of actions and behavior which might be construed as providing benefits for themselves or their relatives by using the resources and reputation of the corporation.

SEGATECH employees demonstrate maximum care not to abuse the resources of the corporation and to protect the reputation and good standing of the Company.


SEGATECH shows ultimate attention to fulfill below stated responsibilities to its customers, employees, suppliers, subcontractors, and to persons and institutions that are commercial associates, competitors, and to the environment and society.

7.1. Conformity with Laws and Legislations

SEGATECH shall act in compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries wherein it operates both at home and abroad pertaining to its any kind of activities. The information, documents and records associated with such activities are kept regularly and completely and preserved.

7.2. To Customers

While SEGATECH employees perform their tasks are aware of the fact that the expectations of the customers should be met and that they should be satisfied with the work quality. In this context, an honest and fair attitude is adopted in the relationships with the customers. When it is the case with the customers, professionally adhering to the principles of honesty and faithfulness, we make an effort to understand their needs and behave sincerely, eagerly and respectfully in order to help them.

7.3. To Employees

SEGATECH treats its employees impartially, without prejudice and fairly, and shows ultimate attention in order for all employees to work in a healthy, safe and efficient business environment. All employees regardless of race, religion, sex, duty or title are granted equal opportunity both in employment and in career development. In order to make a positive contribution to the performance of employees, attention is paid to ensure the necessary opportunities for their personal development.

Care is demonstrated for timely and complete fulfillment of the rights of employees arising from the provisions of the legislations where to such employees are subject.

7.4. To Suppliers, Subcontractors and Persons and Organizations that are Commercial Associates

SEGATECH acts in an honest, fair, respectful manner and within the frame of goodwill principles to the persons and organizations that are their commercial associates and performs their legal obligations.

SEGATECH evaluates and selects the companies, subcontractors, etc., wherewith they will enter into business relationships in the most accurate manner and in line with the principles of best service and equality. No personal relationship is built with the persons and institutions that are commercial associates and no personal interest is pursued.

7.5. To Our Competitors

SEGATECH makes tiny distinctions regarding development of the sectors wherein they operate, overseeing common interests together with entire companies operating in the sector and on the issue of maintenance of trust to the sector. They abstain from unfair competition against the competitors, and activities are carried out by observing fair competition conditions within the framework of ethical rules.

7.6. To the Environment and Society

SEGATECH acts with the consciousness of social benefit and environment while they carry out their activities and targets applying high standards on the issue of environmental consciousness. Breaches of environmental rules which could harm the health and rights of the customers and the ones living in the region of operation are avoided. In entire fields of operation, activities are carried out in a manner to minimize their adverse effects on the environment and measures avoiding environmental pollution are taken. Consumption of natural resources is kept at the minimum level.

Within the framework of responsibilities to the society; activities pertaining to education and charity, studies aiming development of environmental consciousness and societal consciousness, activities targeting public benefit and cultural and social responsibility projects are supported.

SEGATECH acts sensitively to the traditions and cultures of the countries wherein they operate abroad, accords to the structure of the society and avoids the elements that could adversely affect the social environment. In their activities, they take entire measures for preserving archeological, historical, architectural and cultural monuments as well as for natural environment.

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Duis aliquet egestas purus in blandit. Curabitur vulputate, ligula lacinia scelerisque tempor, lacus lacus ornare ante, ac egestas est urna sit amet arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora ade torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Sed molestie augue sit amet leo consequat posuere. Vestibul ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere ile cubilia Curae; Proin vel ante a orci tempus eleifend ut.